Homemade raisin paste a date substitute!


I made this! Me, I did it. I made an amazing and kind of healthy recipe. Imagine Apple Butter with more flavor and no added sugar. This stuff rocks. I’m going to put two recipes here. The first is for this amazing “paste”, and the second for a yummy smoothie with raisin paste. Now I don’t mind reading a little before a recipe, but typically when I find one I have to search through paragraph after paragraph of explanations first. Not you, my intelligent reader. No, you are just getting a simple easy to follow no nonsense recipe. Here you go.

Raisin Paste-

1&1/2 cup of raisins

Boiling water (enough to cover raisins)

1/2 tsp Cinnamon

1/4 tsp Ground cloves


Soak raisins in boiling water for ten minutes. Drain liquid, but save about half a cup. Pour just the drained raisins in a food processor. Add spices and turn on. Add a little liquid at a time until you’ve reached your desired texture. It should be smooth, but if you prefer it a little dry, or runny that’s up to you. That’s it!


Yummy smoothie-

1/2 cup pineapple (can in juice or water is fine, but drain first)

1 banana

2Tbs raisin paste

1 Tbs chia seeds

2 cups water


Add everything to blender, and blend until smooth. Add ice of you want and blend some more. Drink it up!


That’s it! No drawn out condescending mumbo jumbo. If you have any yummy tips let me know. I can’t wait to hear from you.



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